$149.00 AUD

Want to feel more in control around food?

Get Lyndi Cohen's ultimate guide to regaining control of your eating and wave goodbye to unhelpful food habits for only $39.50 (SAVE 50%).

Plus it's got 50 delicious recipes to simplify mealtimes. It's the perfect companion to Booze Break.

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Booze Break

 What you'll get:

  1. The Booze Break Audio Guide: The ultimate roadmap to transform your relationship with alcohol ($200 Value)
  2. Lifetime access to the Booze Break Community ($200 Value)
  3. Email reminders and check-ins giving you ongoing accountability and support. ($49 value)

  • Bonus 1: Our Mocktail Recipe Book  (valued at $50)
  • Bonus 2: Guided Meditation Audio Track (valued $50)
  • Bonus 3: Booze Break Digital Journal (valued at $49)
  • Bonus 4: Buzzed without Booze playlist (valued at $30)


That's over $600 in value for $99

What People Are Saying:

The course has taught me how to cope with life without alcohol and the break gave me the opportunity to gain clarity to go about my day to day in a much better frame of mind. I did not realise just how much alcohol was influencing not only my physical health but my mental well being as well. The other bonuses were better sleep, clearer skin and eyes and weight loss. Win/Win!


Thank you so much again ladies! The concept of a booze break is genius as I think a lot of people feel the idea of 'never drinking again' confronting. A Booze break helps to take each day at a time and stay present.


I love this! It has been so helpful! It’s been over a month since my last drink and I feel great!


I found this at just the right time. I’m feeling GREAT and LOVING it!
